Mar 15 – Mar 16
OT7 Dallas: Weekend 1
OT7 is Overtime’s premier 7-on-7 football league, featuring top high school athletes nationwide. The event features a fast-paced, non-contact style of play, and is a chance to see future NFL stars coached by former NFL Stars.
OT7 is Overtime’s premier 7-on-7 football league, featuring top high school athletes nationwide. The event features a fast-paced, non-contact style of play, and is a chance to see future NFL stars, coached by former NFL Stars, compete for the title of OT7 Champion.
प्रमुख दर्शनीय स्थलों से दूरी
- Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center: 6.76 miles
- Dallas Love Field Airport: 9.19 miles
- डी.एफ.डब्लू. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा: 14.58 miles